Sunday, May 24, 2009

My Windows are open? Are yours?

A while ago, a friend and I shared an analogy involving windows and walls. And my friend encouraged me to look forward to the day when my windows could truly be wide open and I could let the sunshine in. This week, I had the curious opportunity to use this analogy in three different occasions, two professionally, and one personally. (Isn't serendipity great!)

This morning, my windows are wide open. It is an absolutely gorgeous morning. My mind is buzzing with the voices of many new friends I have made, and passages from books I have read, and moments in time I have had the unique blessing to be a part of lately.

Many of us, have held onto ways of being and behaving that we believe in, that have NOT led us to healthy outcomes, but we can't let go of. Also we have holed ourselves up in our little worlds of pain and doom and self-criticism and abandoned hope on the outside world having much to offer us. It is only when we open the windows and are willing to receive fresh voices, fresh ways of being, fresh experiences, that we are able to grow and become better selves.

Read, talk, watch, listen, taking part, being present, trying new things
..... all of these are ways of opening your windows and bringing you closer to change and closer to growth. windows are definitely open, and it's a beautiful world.

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