Wednesday, January 14, 2009


At the time this picture was taken, I was very sick. It was following five months of starvation and then about one month into purging and exercise bulimia. I was not skinny by society's standards. But for me, I was thin. I had lost 30-40 pounds and then regained about 10 back (which is what always prompts the purging types of behaviors for me).
And I wonder, why could noone else tell? Can't they see the worn look in the eyes? Can't they see the drawn look to the cheeks, the thinning and lack luster hair ? Couldn't they see the weird color to my skin especially in my hands?
The answer is no-- the signs are so easy to miss. So many of us suffer and nobody knows. For millions of us being sick doesn't mean being anorexia thin. And it's not their fault. It's our job to make it known and to make ourselves better before we waste away to the point where it can't be missed. Before metaphorical invisibility- becomes literal invisibility.

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