Friday, January 30, 2009

More to life than this...

I met an artist recently and it reminded me of the importance of art, expression and things of beauty in our lives and in our world.

We become so fixated on creating ourselves as things of beauty and perfection that we forget the real reason that art and beauty exist in the world. They exist to allow us to explore our emotions, to allow humans a way to express their natural creative urges, to challenge and extend ourselves, to surround ourselves with aesthetically pleasing and/or unique and stimulating objects and environs.

Art is a uniquely human act and fulfills a uniquely human need.

Art exists for arts sake. Art exists because it MAKES US FEEL GOOD.

Having beautiful things, or eating delicious food, or enjoying beautiful music are not necessary for survival, but they too exist to make us FEEL good.

Does our eating disorder really serve any of those purposes?

Life should not hurt so much. Bringing good things to ourselves is not selfish, it is not gluttonous, it is a powerful and smart way to live your life.

I wish everyone a beautiful day today.

"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up."
--Pablo Picasso

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