Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Stress and eating

One of the things, which no matter where we are in recovery- that we will have to deal with is how we each personally respond to stress and how it affects our eating. I personally struggle to eat when I am under stress.

and right now my friends, I am under stress. Factors from my past, combining with current life stress are mixing in my pot to make a bit of a tempestuous brew.

does that mean right now I am eating disordered?

I am aware of it, I am making sure I am conscious and on top of it. I am trying to proactively manage the stress in a way to prevent it from becoming a huge risk factor in my life again.

And I think that is what is key, being able to always remember that we are not like other people. That for us- managing issues in our lives, like stress, is perhaps paramount in a way that it may not be for other people because stress is in fact part of our disorder. While I do pride myself on my ability to persevere and bounce back, there are certainly ways in which I am intensely broken down and (oh god here comes that horrible word) "weak" when it comes to the physical effects of stress on me.

Just a random thought today.

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