Friday, January 1, 2010

A Decade Ends

This New Years brings a close to the most intense decade of my life. During this time there was great joy as I had become a mother to three beautiful children, but this also saw periods of great unexpected stress as well as the most intense periods of turmoil with my eating disorder and my other health conditions.

Now, at the beginning of 2010, I weigh what I am supposed to weigh. I eat calmly, socially, with few phobias, and without bad urges. The road to this place has not been easy. So, as this last year in particular ends, I am drawn to reflecting on the things I have learned lately:

Life is a precious gift, yours and others. No matter what your view on how we came to be upon this earth, we are here against some great odds and for amazing reasons be they scientific or divine. Respect this gift each and every day.

Most people will do their best, if you help them. But many people are going through life reactively, frustrated and struggling through their own challenges. It is often your own responsibility to help people step up and see how they can give you the best that they can.

No matter what you are going through in life, you can always handle it with grace and dignity.

A woman really can dress her age and her body type and be sexy.

Without hope, there is nothing. Hope comes from within you. Nobody else can really give you that. It is something you must never ever let go of. It is a light within yourself you must believe in and never let the world extinguish. There is ALWAYS hope.

Always do your best. If you always do your best, you never have anything to regret. Your best changes from day to day. So doing your best on the days when you can really rock- makes up for the days when you can't.

It's ok to say no, it's ok to put your needs first, and it's ok to make people earn your trust. It's also ok to say goodbye. In fact, it's more than ok to do these things, it's often necessary.

And finally,

Love DOES come when you least expect it. The best kind of love is being loved for who you are. If someone doesn't love you just the way you are, it isn't worth it.

--Happy New Years-----


Kourtnee said...

This is beautiful!! I love it!! =) Stay strong- you can do anything!

Amy said...

Thanks beautiful!