Tuesday, July 14, 2009

This is going to brief...

but just a reminder to all my friends.

You have a right to say no, to create walls, to create barriers to the things that hurt you.

You have to be able to identify those things, those spaces, those people. And then it's your life and you HAVE the right to say... NO. I will not accept this kind of pain in my life.


HappyOrganist said...

I like to say no to all the kids that come (or want to come) into my house ;-)

someone I know put it nicely " 'NO' is a complete sentence. "
I love it.

Amy said...

I think knowing what your limits are and what you want to have in your life around you is very important. And yes, no can be a complete sentence.

I think it's something that can be said aloud. Or even just in your head. And if necessary, it can be repeated over and over and over.