Monday, November 10, 2008

Taking stock

I really was thinking today how it is so important at this time in my life, in order to remain positive, for me to continue to focus on my growth and the progress I have made in my life. So, I am taking some time tonight to take stock of how far I have come.

Three years ago:

I could not walk a mile without pain or losing my breath
I could not climb a hill
I was often so tired I could not get through a day without a nap and found working 8 hour days impossible
I took Aleve 5 times a week for pain
I suffered far greater depression and anxiety
I had three cavities (making six in 5 years)
And, I was purging at least once daily, abusing laxatives and diuretics

Two years ago:
I had just started the most intensive therapy yet and was just beginning to make vital connections to my past and my present
I was still unable to eat 75% of the foods normal people would not fear
But, I could walk miles again without pain! BUT- this enabled me unfortunately to become an overexerciser and controlling eater again
HOWEVER- I was mentally committed to a life without purging
I was able to say- NO MORE, I shall do this NO MORE
I found my online friends and a new way of connecting to the world and healing

One year ago:
I began to come out to family and friends
I began writing my story
I began recognizing triggers in my everyday life and developed the ability to talk and actively think about them and address them

Maybe it's a long journey, but it is a journey of hope, and a journey worth taking. Good luck my friends, stay strong and stay on the path!

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