Monday, February 2, 2009

A year from now

A year from now
I want to be me

I see myself and I am strong
smiling and proud
because I had the dignity and the grace to get through it all
and did not fall
I may have stumbled here and there
but picked myself up
and learned as I went along
and shooed the boogie men out of the shadows
and found the friends I had been missing all along
and I will know that I grew and became the woman I was meant to be

But as someone recently said
no future tripping
I can not be her yet
there are puzzles to be unpuzzled
and crevasses to be plunged
and wounds to be slowly healed over
but at least I see where I want to go
and it is so nice to say
I want to run
to me
and my arms are wide open

"The task we must set for ourselves is not to feel secure, but to be able to tolerate insecurity."
-- Erich Fromm

1 comment:

John B. Burroughs said...

I like this! Simple but not at all simple....