Tuesday, October 20, 2009

All you need is love....

I am inspired by another blog (http://aprildamato.blogspot.com)to write this blog tonight:

I believe in love and it's transformational power. And a lot of recovery indeed hinges upon love.

Love of others, love by others, love of the world you live in, and love of yourself.

You must love your family and friends to recover. You must acknowledge that you are not being your best and giving them your best as a person with an Eating Disorder. You must love them so much you believe that they are worth more than the person and friendship they are receiving from you.

Love from others, unconditional, uplifting, nonjudgmental love is curative. Love that sees you as you are inside. Love that sees your strengths and is willing to ignore your weaknesses. Love that celebrates you for your true beauty as a human being is powerful. Being able to find the people who will love you that way and being open to that love is an important part of your life path to recovery.

Loving the world around you, so that you become a part of it, instead of holed up inside your head is also a part of recovery. Becoming positive about the world, and the people in it. Seeking a future in that world where you are an engaged and confident member of it, instead of being fatalistic and withdrawn and angry or scared of it, is also vital to recovery. You must see the beauty of the world and EAT of the world.

Finally, most importantly, you must be able to love yourself. You must realize that an eating disorder is self abuse, and that you are a person worth more than abuse. That you will shelter and protect and nurture yourself simply because you love yourself.

Loving you and loving me



1 comment:

April (EstaRa) said...

Thank you Amy, you are an inspiration to many. Much love to you!