Friday, December 24, 2010

This year- Give the gift of love!

The last few years, each holiday season has been better than the one before it. Having an Eating Disorder at the holidays is becoming a distant but sad memory. For how many years was I focusing on all the wrong things? How many holidays did I lose to my ED? Being recovered has allowed me the peace and joy to focus on the time spent with family and friends, instead of holding me back. Losing the Eating Disorder has been like losing an invisible enemy who is always with you; always ready to destroy the happiest moments in life.

This year, why not give yourself the most loving gift you can; give yourself the gift of love. Love who you are ENOUGH to have a holiday with your ED. Even if it's just for a day or two- tell yourself- my ED has no place in the festivities of the next few days. Relish every moment with your family and friends and enjoying the sights, sounds, and smells of the season. Enjoy happy smiles on childrens faces! Enjoy the hugs and the kisses and the laughter. Let your friends and loved ones wrap their arms around you. Savor these tender and intimate moments as the gifts of love from others which they are intended to be. Give yourself moments to breathe, and remember there is no need to be perfect, to be the best, or to worry about how others feel. Give yourself an easy, happy, and sweet holiday!

Wishing all my friends peace and joy this holiday season!

Be healthy and happy,


1 comment:

Lisa said...

I love this post, Amy. The biggest gift we can give ourselves is love and to nourish our bodies. Holidays are not about the presents. It is about the quality time we spend with our loved ones, which is over looked. Yes, there may be times where things can be stressful, but we all have the tools and skills to get through them.
I hope you had a joyous Christmas, my dear.