I remember so many times in my past, feeling like Pinocchio when I would have these golden moments, when all of a sudden looking at my child, or finally feeling as though I was connecting with the person I was struggling most with in my life, or looking at myself in the mirror and having a deep realization and being "present" and thinking- wow- this is REAL and this is GOOD.
And I remember wondering over and over-- who am I? who am I really? And I no longer wonder that anymore. And that is the greatest feeling. To know exactly who I am.
And all your senses are alive, and perhaps you are naked and vulnerable to the world, BUT you are feeling and seeing everything. And maybe others can see and feel you too. And you connect. And you suddenly know where you stand.
But it's only in living in those times, that you can find and in essence allow true joy in your life. And it takes practice and discipline to live in your true reality. Stripped of alter egos, and falsitudes, and saying to the world, this is me, accept me as I am. And not letting people who don't accept you as you are stay close enough to judge you or hurt you. And not playing in playgrounds that create false idols or playing with substances that encourage you to put on false faces.
But truly, it does take strength and courage to be yourself. Especially if perhaps your past is one where you were not accept for who you really were. So learning how to do it, is a learning curve like everything else. It is all just part of our neverending journey!
"No one man can, for any considerable time, wear one face to himself, and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which is the true one."
- Hawthorne
"Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable. Be honest and transparent anyway."
- Mother Theresa
"No legacy is so rich as honesty."
- Shakespeare